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The FastAid M1 Burns Module is a dedicated additional risk module to ensure your first aid kit is compliant and prepared to treat burn and scald injuries. Packed in a zippered colour coded and water-resistant soft pack, the Burns module is compact and easily slots into any FastAid Easy-Refill or R2, R3 or R4 series first aid kit. Contents tailored to treat common burns injuries and are TGA registered and hospital grade quality for peace of mind. Includes a dedicated treatment card to assist emergency treatment of burn injuries. Ensures instant compliance with WHS requirements for workplaces where the risk of burns or scalds is present.
Fast Aid Burns Module
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Mon to Fri: 7.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 1.00pm
Public Holidays: Closed
503a Princes Drive, Morwell, Victoria, 3840